Chiropractic promotes a healthy lifestyle through a fully functioning
spine and nervous system.
Common conditions I have been treating effectively for over twenty five years: “I suffered with pain for years. I had no results from treatments tried prior to chiropractic with Michael. Now that I’ve received chiropractic care and continue to get adjusted regularly, I have less pain, more movement and sleep better!” Mark Jones
• CARPAL TUNNEL (non-surgical)
• SCIATIC PAIN (“Sciatica”)
How exactly does Chiropractic ‘work’ to help correct the cause of these and many other conditions that people who are not under Chiropractic care suffer from needlessly?
Here’s how: Chiropractic treats many musculo-skeletal and spinal-neurological related conditions simply by CORRECTING THE CAUSE that leads to the these conditions!
These conditions are almost always caused by nerve impingement occurring at the spinal level. Chiropractic’s primary purpose is to help detect and correct spinal fixations and misalignments that are CAUSING nerve impingement. The goal is to adjust spinal fixations and restore the spine to full mobility and optimum alignment, thus allowing the nerves traversing through the spine to exit freely to all organs, glands and muscles that they control and regulate.
Knowing this information, doesn’t it makes sense to seek and correct spinal fixations and nerve impingement, rather than continually masking over painful symptoms with pain medications that do not cure the problem?
Why not find out if Chiropractic can help you?
If you want to continue suffering and only take pain meds to numb out your pain, that’s your choice. . . If the medical establishment has made you skeptical about Chiropractic, you should be! That’s why you should experience it for yourself and decide for yourself whether it can help you or not! You have nothing to lose but your pain.
Decide for yourself if this make sense: If an examination reveals that Chiropractic cannot help your condition, and your condition involves a “medical pathology” or some other cause that Chiropractic does not address, you will be referred to the appropriate specialist who can help you.
Despite any myths about Chiropractic you may have heard, detecting and correcting nerve impingements caused by spinal problems is straightforward and safe!
So if you’re ready to find out whether or not Chiropractic can put an end to your bothersome condition or painful suffering or energetic fatigue . . .
call 831-475-6450 to Schedule Your Appointment
A first time new patient visit requires approximately 30-60 minutes.
If Xrays are necessary to help determine the cause of your condition,
you will be informed of this and of their costs before proceeding.
If Chiropractic cannot help your condition,
you will be referred to the appropriate specialist who can!